How to Scan With an iPhone (Straight to Your Mac ...



How To Use Your iPhone As a Scanner For Your Mac

You can use your iPhone as a scanner to scan documents directly to your Mac. No need to transfer from your iPhone to your Mac afterward.

Continuity Camera

Use your iPhone or iPad to scan documents or take a picture of something nearby and have it appear instantly on your Mac.

Insert sketches, photos, and scans from iPhone or iPad on Mac

With Continuity Sketch and Continuity Camera, you can draw a sketch, take a photo, or scan a document using your nearby iPhone or iPad and have it appear ...

Using an iPhone as a Mac Scanner

In the Finder, navigate to the Global Inbox. Control-click into the window and choose Import from iPhone or iPad > Scan Documents. You will see ...

How to take photos and scan documents with iPhone—on your Mac

Scan Documents: Position the document in the iPhone or iPad scanner viewfinder, and it will scan automatically. If not, hit the shutter button.

How to Use Import From iPhone to Capture, Scan, and Sketch ...

Right-click anywhere on your desktop. · Select Import from iPhone > Scan Document. · A popup will appear instructing you to scan a document with ...

The Amazingly Convenient Way to Scan Documents Using Your ...

In Preview, choose File > Import from iPhone > Scan Documents. (Preview will know about all your devices, so it will have sections for each ...

Scanning to Mac from iPhone

I've used Scanner Pro for this for many years. It saves scanned documents to iCloud Drive and you can automatically access them on your Mac ...

Scan from iPhone or iPad to Mac with Continuity Camera

A quick tutorial on how to scan documents or capture photos directly to your Mac from your iPhone or iPad using continuity camera in ...

How To Use Your iPhone As a Scanner For Your Mac You can use your iPhone as a scanner to scan documents directly to your Mac. No need to transfer from your iPhone ...


YoucanuseyouriPhoneasascannertoscandocumentsdirectlytoyourMac.NoneedtotransferfromyouriPhonetoyourMacafterward.,UseyouriPhoneoriPadtoscandocumentsortakeapictureofsomethingnearbyandhaveitappearinstantlyonyourMac.,WithContinuitySketchandContinuityCamera,youcandrawasketch,takeaphoto,orscanadocumentusingyournearbyiPhoneoriPadandhaveitappear ...,IntheFinder,navigatetotheGlobalInbox.Control-clickint...
